This Website!
This Website!
WASM based frontend with a CMS microservice backend in the cloud helping me to easily manage my articles. Build with Perseus, Sycamore in the frontend and Actix and Tonic (gRPC) in the backend
Contributor to the OpenSource WASM reactive library called Sycamore, written in RUST which is among the fastes reactive librarys for the Web
YEW Presentation from a React perspective
Presenting the wasm Yew Framework from a React perspective! You're a react dev? This is your entry to the WASM world!
Contributor to the OpenSource lib Memflow which allows you to read the physical address space of various connectors such as KVM, QEMU, PciLeech, VM Savestates
NeoVim PDE
PDE Personalized Development Environment with NeoVim. Tailored to fully fill my needs and constantly updated. Reducing mental overhead and letting me navigate any project with ease.
Authentication Service
One file authentication service proofing that rust can be really easy and fast for a POC